English Test - Grammar IV

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Choose the one most correct answer, 20 questions on this sheet.

61. Which sentence is correct?
a) They was late for the show.
b) They were late for the show.
c) They is late for the show.
d) They be late for the show.

62. Choose the correct form of the verb: "She ____ dinner every evening."
a) cook
b) cooks
c) cooked
d) cooking

63. Which sentence is in the past perfect tense?
a) He had left before I arrived.
b) He leaves before I arrive.
c) He will leave before I arrive.
d) He is leaving before I arrive.

64. Select the correct article: "He needs ____ pen."
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

65. Choose the correct preposition: "The ball is ____ the box."
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) to

66. Which sentence is correct?
a) I don't has a car.
b) I don't have a car.
c) I not have a car.
d) I isn't have a car.

67. Choose the correct verb form: "They ____ finished their work."
a) has
b) have
c) had
d) having

68. Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) He is playing football.
b) He plays football.
c) He played football.
d) He will play football.

69. Select the correct conjunction: "She was late ____ she missed the bus."
a) and
b) but
c) or
d) so

70. Choose the correct pronoun: "It is ____ house."
a) me
b) I
c) my
d) mine


71. Which sentence is correct?
a) We was happy with the result.
b) We were happy with the result.
c) We is happy with the result.
d) We be happy with the result.

72. Choose the correct form of the verb: "He ____ to school every day."
a) go
b) goes
c) going
d) gone

73. Which sentence is in the future perfect tense?
a) They will have completed the project.
b) They complete the project.
c) They completed the project.
d) They are completing the project.

74. Select the correct article: "She is wearing ____ hat."
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

75. Choose the correct preposition: "The cat is ____ the table."
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) to

76. Which sentence is correct?
a) He don't know the answer.
b) He doesn't know the answer.
c) He not know the answer.
d) He isn't know the answer.

77. Choose the correct verb form: "I ____ eaten breakfast."
a) has
b) have
c) had
d) having

78. Which sentence is in the past continuous tense?
a) They were dancing.
b) They dance.
c) They will dance.
d) They are dancing.

79. Select the correct conjunction: "I want to play ____ it is raining."
a) and
b) but
c) or
d) so

80. Choose the correct pronoun: "The car is ____."
a) me
b) I
c) my
d) mine


Correct answers:

61. b) They were late for the show.
62. b) cooks
63. a) He had left before I arrived.
64. a) a
65. a) in
66. b) I don't have a car.
67. b) have
68. a) He is playing football.
69. d) so
70. c) my

71. b) We were happy with the result.
72. b) goes
73. a) They will have completed the project.
74. a) a
75. b) on
76. b) He doesn't know the answer.
77. b) have
78. a) They were dancing.
79. b) but
80. d) mine


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